Monday, January 28, 2013

Weighing in

I looked at the big pile of yarn on the bed in the guest room and began wondering how much was actually there--sure, I can count the skeins, but there are half skeins, 3/4 skeins, full skeins, little bits and pieces, etc. Not easy to quantify neatly and cleanly, and I like my categorization of things to be neat and clean. So I decided to weigh it! That way, as I make my way through my stash projects, I can document how much weight my stash "loses" while on this "yarn diet." I dug out my food scale and big bowl (or a colander, since that's all I had clean!), and got to work. I put the colander on the scale, zeroed it out, and then added a bunch of yarn in batches.

Any guesses on how much it weighs? I was surprised, actually. I thought it would be more than it was. With that being said, here are the vital statistics:

12,627 grams = 12.627 kilograms = 27 pounds, 13.4 ounces

This is after accounting for all the projects I've already posted about. So, from here forward, I'll weigh any finished objects (FOs) and subtract that from the total, so I can see the progress. 


  1. I totally want to know how much yarn I have now! Although I fear it will take a day or two to weigh!
    Maybe I'll weigh it in April when my stash diet officially ends for a little while :O)

  2. I am not going to even attempt to weigh mine. I just figure according to the biometric screening, it would be considered morbidly obese! :)
